Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Universal Life expo seemed so expanded with variety. It was like a Utopia of visionary natural healing products for the future. To see all of the people at different levels of opening was very cool.People on oxygen looked really rough at the beginning of the day and looked amazing by the end of the day. So much healing going on all levels... raising of consciousness. My most intense and powerful, but wildly eccentric friends Pilar and Standing Deer had an unplanned drumming circle for after the drum parade in the morn today. I stood in unabandoned power and danced and grounded my energy alterating with shaking the rattles like the mayan goddess IXCHEL. Creating sacred space for people to raise the energy ...We even invoked oceans of sacred fires and the moon had a double pink and gold rainbow saturday night. In contrast college students were in costumes listening to Michael Jackson. One puked in the parking lot. Awake-vs. Sleeping. Ascending masters versus Beer...hmmmm....what do you choose?