Friday, September 28, 2012

I am a Dangerous Woman

I am a dangerous woman…

Infinitely compassionate and wildly loving.
Softly strong and strongly soft in my ways.
Don’t get to close, you may see dreams come true and wishes appear from thin air.

I really liked this exerpt form Awakening went along with the 22 qualities of a modern goddess that I talked about on the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene Day.

Apparently rebellious, out-spoken women with nothing to lose seem intimidating to the thought patterns of the individual  They cannot know the heart or mind or experience of conciousness of another.

I am a dangerous woman…….

Able to give unconditional love from an endless well within.
Blindingly bright ~ I will continue to shine until the stars fade from the heavens.
For God’s sake, don’t give me your heart, I might show you what it’s for and how to use it.

I am a dangerous woman……

Capable and real.
Genuine and wise.
Whatever you do, don’t tell me your secrets, I will keep them.

I am a dangerous woman…….

Gently staunch in my defense of family, friends and home.
Crazy in love with my life.
Don’t expose me to your children, I may teach them something of value.

I am a dangerous woman………

Reveling in my sensuality.
Enjoying all the pleasures of being female.
Stay away from me if a lover that is both your equal and your joy is what you seek.

I am all that I am meant to be.
If this means danger then……

I AM a dangerous woman.

Jennifer Farley (via Awakening Woman)


  1. I am what you might consider an overly-curious woman who once had no fear of anything because i have a powerful guardian angel. The thing is becareful what you ask for, because you will get it and it might not be the way you expected. I still have little fear- except having to deal with something over my head and not having the resources to handle it. I have learned more in five years of spiritualism, that many in several lifetimes. I know that all that I have experienced was often planned lessons and now to be the benefit of others who many have simple to complex issues. There is nothing that cannot be handled. My next phase in life is to help those people who are lost and searching.. out of balance with their chakras.. have anxiety or other issues. i use universal energy and often angelic heal in healing sessions that range from straight massage therapy to intuitive healing session. I am well versed in herbs and nutitional supplements to help heal the body.
