Thursday, October 4, 2012

Empathing a Broken Heart

Good Evening and it's a beautiful Starry night!
wish i had a telescope. Maybe i should join the astronomy club! 
Tonight topic is:

Are you able to walk into a hospital corridor?
If you are able to walk without limping when you come out? LOL . I am not kidding!
Often times I HAVE!! Once I had a limp when a kid in highschool broke his leg skiing, I felt the pain so bad and described it exactly where it hurt.
I am empathic.
How to control this phenomena has been one of the hardest things I ever had to learn.
I loved my friend Randy Samson. But his physical agony was too overwhelming for me. He had a condition called Angliosingspondelitis.I have to check the spelling on this.
Recently I came across this post on Facebook of all places!

Sept.26,2012 Local !5 news:
"It sounds like something out of a Shakespearean play, or a tragic opera- dying of a broken heart. To say "My heart is breaking" usually brings on sympathy, but not much medical attention. However, doctors are now saying there is a legitimate cause for that ache you feel in your chest when someone you love is hurt, dead, or has left you- stress cardiomyopathy. "Cardiomyopathy" says it all. Your hea
rt empathizes with the pain of a loved one, and that can cause its muscles to become paralyzed and shut down. The symptoms usually mimic those of a heart attack, yet thankfully the damage is usually not permanent. However the elderly or those with poor heart health to begin with have a higher risk of possible long term effects, or even death. As many of us who have gone through a heart break know though, you don't have to tell us a heart break can be painful, but at least now there's an explanation we can give to those who just can't... sympathize."

This is a phenomenon that has been poo- pooed. But i tell you when your boyfriend has stomach cramps before you get your monthly moon time, you know he's empathic!

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